We All Die Young.----Tender網誌留言板的音樂
Tender 網誌留言板--播放的歌曲
電影【Rock Star】( 搖滾巨星 ) 插曲:We All Die Young
演唱:Steel Dragon ( 片中虛構的搖滾團體 )
原唱:Steelheart ( 鋼鐵心 ) 的主唱 Michael Matijevic
電影原聲碟:Rock Star----2001年-
Risk my soul, test my life
for my bread
Spend my time lost in space
am I dead?
Let the river flow
through my callused hands
and take me from my own
The eyes of the damned
It makes my stomach turn
and it tears my flesh from the bone
How we turn a dream to stone
And we all die young
Yeah we all die young
Tell me I know
I lived so afraid
and still we cry alone
with words left unsaid
Yeh it makes my stomach turn
and it tears my flesh from bone to bone
How we turn a dream to stone
And we all die young
華納 Rock Star 電影插曲影片We All Die Young
電影裡的虛擬樂團 Steel Dragon 是由 Guitar:Zakk Wylde(Ozzy.BLS),Bass:Jeff Pilson(Dokken), Drums:Jason Bonham(Bonham)所組成, 幫電影裡離團的主唱 “巴比” 配唱的是 Jeff Scott Soto,而幫飾演主角 “克里斯”的馬克華伯格配唱的則是 Steelheart 的主唱 Michael Matijevic。
電影裡一開始克里斯所待的 Steel Dragon 模仿樂團鼓手是 Slaughter 的鼓手飾演,主奏吉他手是 BLS(Zakk)的吉他手飾演,而在停車場起衝突對立的樂團“黑色巴比倫” 主唱是 Three Eyes Blind 的主唱所飾演。
Steel Dragon 的歌曲都是大有來頭的,“We All Die Young” 是 Steelheart 第三張專輯 Wait 的名曲。“Long Live Rock and Roll” 是翻唱 Ranbow 的招牌名曲。“Blood Pollution”是前 Marilyn Manson 貝斯手 Twiggy Ramirez 所編寫的 , 純正 HM/HR風格異於 Twiggy 平常的工業金屬風格。絕對驚艷! “Stand Up” 則是出自 Van Halen 的第二任主唱 Sammy Hagar 之手。
01.Rock Star - Everclear
02.Livin’ The Life - Steel Dragon
03.Wild Side - Motley Crue
04.We all Die Young - Steel Dragon
05.Blood Pollution - Steel Dragon
06.Livin’ On A Prayer - Bon Jovi
07.Stand Up - Steel Dragon
08.Stranglehold - Ted Nugent
09.Wasted Generation - Steel Dragon
10.Lick It Up - KISS
11.Long Live Rock & Roll - Steel Dragon
12.Devil Inside - INXS
13.Colorful - Verve Pipe
14.Gotta Have It - Trevor Rabin
影片名:Rock Star(搖滾巨星)
克里斯是一個平凡無奇的推銷員,整天就在雞毛蒜皮的小事中度過,唯一與別人的不同在於他是個搖滾信徒,但克里斯卻沈溺於搖滾名團Steel Dragon的主唱巴比比爾斯的魔力中而無法自行創作。
一天晚上,克里斯帶領著他的團Blood Pollution兼差為Steel Dragon的演唱會暖場,上台時所有的平庸都消逝了,他完美模仿了巴比比爾斯的一切。那晚之後,他的團員卻將他趕出親手創的團,萬念俱灰之際,一通電話改變了一切,有人要他取代巴比比爾斯。從歌迷變偶像,一個普通人一夕之間美夢成真會是什麼感覺?更何況如果他覺得仍是不夠?
配合片中搖滾巨星的慓悍精神,原聲帶中不僅按排了Modern Rock名曲:Everclear的同名曲“Rock Star”與Verve Pipe的“Colorful”,更收錄八○年代最具代表性的搖滾經典團體的作品,包括邦喬飛合唱團劃時代英國金榜#4“Livin’ On A Prayer”、Kiss合唱團的“Livk It Up”、INXS的“Devil Inside”等,這些曲目在在都增添了此張專輯的可聽性。美國亞馬遜網站四星半強力推薦,重金屬搖滾迷必備佳作!
值得一提的是,片中虛構的搖滾團體Steel Dragon也在原聲帶貢獻了六首歌,這個虛構團體的團員可是大有來頭:主唱Mike Matijevic與Jeff Scott oto,Mike是Steelheart的主唱,多年前有一支暢銷單曲“I’II Never Let You Go”;吉他手Zakk Wylde來自Ozzy Osbourne;Jeff Pilson是Dokken的貝斯手,Jason Bonham則是齊柏林飛船的鼓手。這個組合重新創造出一種令人信以為真的八○年代氛圍,不管是大編制邦喬飛式的“We All Die Young”、重金屬口味的“Blood Pu\ollution”還是如國歌般的“Long Live Rock and Roll”,他們都駕輕就熟,使人重新陷入八○年代的搖滾狂潮中。
二、Tender 網誌首頁--播放的音樂
歌曲: Holes
演唱: Mercury Rev 水星逆轉
專輯: Deserter's Songs 1998年
Time, all the long red lines
That take control
of all the smokelike streams
That flow into your dreams
That big blue open sea
That can't be crossed
That can't be climbed
just born between
oh the two white lines
Distant gods and faded signs
of all those blinking lites
You had to pick the one tonite
Holes, dug by little moles
angry jealous spies
That got telephones for eyes
and that come to you as friends
All those endless through
that just can't be tied
Oh they make me laugh
and always make me cry
'til they drop like flies
and sink like polished stones
of all the stones I throw
How does that old song go
How does that old song go
Bands, those funny little plans
that never work quite right
Mercury Rev-Holes (Live)
Mercury Rev - Holes 2007年來台灣演唱會 live版
這首歌很合 Tender 網頁那篇【草原】的味道
三、Tender 網誌相簿--播放的歌曲
曲名: Colorful
演唱: The Verve Pipe ( 勁力導管合唱團 )
◎Underneath --2001年
◎Platinum & Gold --2004年
The show is over, close the story book
There will be no encore
And all the random hands that I have shook
Well they're reaching for the door
I watch their backs as they leave single file
But you stood stubborn, cheering all the while
I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this loser's living fortunate
'Cause I know you will love me either way
Most were being good for goodness sake
But you wouldn't pantomime
You are more beautiful when you awake
Than most are in a lifetime
Through the haze that is my memory, well
You stayed for drama though you paid for a comedy
I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this loser's living fortunate
And I know you will love me either way
Look ahead as far as far as you can see
We'll live in drama but we'll die in a comedy
I know I can be colorful
I know I can be gray
But I know this loser's living fortunate
And I know you will love me either way
歌曲影片:Rock Star 電影插曲
四、重金屬樂團 Steelheart ( 鋼鐵心 ) 簡介
【主唱】: Michael Matijevic ( Tender 網誌留言板歌曲:We all die young.的主唱 )
主唱 Michael Matijevic那幾乎能穿透聽者耳膜的尖嗓
吉他手 Chris Risola不拘一格的吉他演奏
特別要說明的是SHE'S GONE這首悲傷的愛情歌曲,在樂團的演繹下顯得充滿了靈性,
She's gone. 她走了
Out of my life. 遠離我的生活
I was wrong. 我錯了
I'm to blame. 我罪該如此
I was so untrue. 我如此恍惚
I can't live without her love. 沒有她的愛我無法過活
In my life 在我生命中
There's just an empty space. 在有限的空間裏
All my dreams are lost. 所有的夢都已湮沒
I'm wasting away. 我日漸消瘦
Forgive me, girl. 寬恕我吧,女孩
Lady, won't you save me? lady.不想拯救我嗎
My heart belongs to you. 我的心屬於您
Lady, can you forgive me? lady你能原諒我嗎
For all I've done to you. 為你我願付出一切
Lady, oh, lady. lady.噢,lady
She's gone. 她走了
Out of my life. 從我生命中消失
Oh, she's gone. 噢,她走了
I find it so hard to go on. 我想我很難繼續
I really miss that girl, my love. 我真的想念那個女孩, 我的愛
Come back into my arms. 回來我懷中
I'm so alone. 我如此孤單
I'm begging you. 我乞求您
I'm down on my knees. 我向您跪下
Forgive me, girl. 寬恕我吧,女孩
For all I've done to you. 為你我願付出一切
Lady, oh, lady. lady噢,lady
My heart belongs to you. 我的心屬於您
Lady, can you forgive me? lady,你能原諒我嗎
For all I've done to you. 為你我願付出一切
Steel Heart -SHE'S GONE 早期的錄影...Michael Matijevic 聲音高亢
Steelheart - She's Gone ...近期的錄影 Michael Matijevic 飆高音雖已略顯吃力,但對於歌曲的詮釋,他的感情卻十分投入、聲音倍加優美圓潤,令人聽來更覺動容^^